Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Beginner Sewing For Blythe - kittyred's TIPS

kittyred's beginner TIPS - What I've learned making doll clothes for Blythe.

1. Cut the pattern pieces out exactly.

I like to trace my pattern pieces onto a file folder, cut them out and then trace around them onto a thin piece of tissue like paper. I like being able to pin my pieces to the fabric instead of just weighing them or holding them down. I cut more accurately and faster pinning the pattern pieces onto the fabric first.

Most fold their fabric and cut the 2 bodice pieces (outer and lining) at the same time, BUT you might be able to save fabric (for more items) if you cut one only, then flip the pattern over and cut the second piece.

2. Sew all seam allowances exactly using small stitches. The smaller they are the harder they are to rip out, but are easier to go around curves.  I use an invisible pen for sewing to lightly dot out the seam allowance onto the fabric. It makes sewing so much easier.

Always/carefully clip curves before turning.

Sometimes it's impossible (esp. on lightweight fabric) to start a seam and back stitch and start stitching again forward without it pulling the fabric all up. I just start the seam and later tie the ends together in a knot to prevent the seam from coming out.

3. Use your iron and press sewn pieces as you go.

4. Use your machine to sew a long stitch for gathering the skirt of a dress. The seam allowance is 1/2" so baste stitch 3/8" in. Don't forget set it back to a regular stitch . :o)

5. Hand baste pieces together if you need to. It will work better than pins. I know it's a pain, but I guarantee you will only have to stitch once if you do.

6. Be patient and willing to make a few dresses or whatever and alter your pattern maybe several times before you get the fit/look you want.

As you design, cut and sew your creations you'll also have tips of your own for doing it better. Let me know if my tips were helpful to you and include YOUR hints as well!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A funny Blythe story...

I have a funny Blythe story..

The other night I was struggling to finish sewing a dress from a pattern I'd never used before. It was one of those nights of sewing when I don't see how anyone sews things this little. Anyway, I was determined to get it done no matter what and in the end I was successful. It looked pretty good, and I also had notes to make the next dress sewn from this pattern go a bit more smoothly.

I was so proud of my achievement that I took my Blythe all dressed in her new dress to my bedroom and set her on my vanity so I could see her when I got up in the morning reminding me that even though I'd hit a snag or two I stuck with it and finished that dress.

My Chihuahua Chico didn't originally see me set her there, but when he did finally see her later that night in dim light he started growling and barking at her as if she was a real, little person.

It was so funny, even after I showed him she wasn't real he still wasn't so sure he wanted her watching him sleep.