Saturday, March 9, 2013

A funny Blythe story...

I have a funny Blythe story..

The other night I was struggling to finish sewing a dress from a pattern I'd never used before. It was one of those nights of sewing when I don't see how anyone sews things this little. Anyway, I was determined to get it done no matter what and in the end I was successful. It looked pretty good, and I also had notes to make the next dress sewn from this pattern go a bit more smoothly.

I was so proud of my achievement that I took my Blythe all dressed in her new dress to my bedroom and set her on my vanity so I could see her when I got up in the morning reminding me that even though I'd hit a snag or two I stuck with it and finished that dress.

My Chihuahua Chico didn't originally see me set her there, but when he did finally see her later that night in dim light he started growling and barking at her as if she was a real, little person.

It was so funny, even after I showed him she wasn't real he still wasn't so sure he wanted her watching him sleep.

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